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Today we are excited to share another interview with one of our 2023 winning authors, John Russell. 

John's third book, "20 Ways to Increase Your Psychic Abilities," is a series of practical how-to lessons in psychic development that will take you by the hand and walk you step-by-step through the learning process as you discover how to: successfully learn and practice psychometry; accurately interpret your dreams; begin to understand and read the Tarot cards; safely conduct your own seance; practice effective candle magic; make your own amulets and talismans; practice healing; record spirit voices; attract the perfect mate; and much more.

As an internationally known professional psychic John is frequently asked by his worldwide clientele, "How can I develop my own psychic abilities?" In response to those requests John has authored this book to help anyone to increase their own psychic powers, and to apply those powers in practical ways in order to better their lives and the lives of others.

John Russell has been a professional psychic for 50 years. Internationally known, he has provided psychic readings for clients in over 40 countries. John filmed a TV pilot for The History Channel in which he psychically explored the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. For over 15 years he has been a popular featured guest, heard worldwide, on many radio shows and podcasts.

We were lucky to speak with John and learn about his journey as an author. Full interview below. 

Congratulations on the publication of your book, "20 Ways to Increase Your Psychic Abilities." What motivated you to delve into the exploration and enhancement of psychic powers?

I had my first paranormal experience when I was five years old, when I was awakened by an old black ghost. I wrote about the event in my second book, A Knock in the Attic. The ghost came to open up a portal to physical supernatural manifestations, after which I discovered my psychic gift. As the manifestations continued and my psychic gift grew, even at my young age I began to research everything I could in order to make sense of what was happening to me, and to discover ways to increase the reliability and accuracy of my psychic gift. It’s been a lifelong interest and quest. I became a paranormal investigator at age 11, and by the age of 18 I was providing psychic readings professionally. Now, I’ve been an internationally known professional psychic for over 50 years, having provided readings to clients in over 40 countries, and having experienced over 1,000 physical paranormal manifestations.

Psychic abilities often have a mystique surrounding them. How did you approach making the topic accessible in your book, ensuring that readers of various backgrounds can engage with and understand the content?

Being aware of the mystique—and many times, unnecessary complications—surrounding the psychic realm I was determined to write an instructional book that would be uncomplicated and down-to-earth, an entertaining and easy read that anyone of any background could pick up and understand and use to develop their psychic abilities. Apparently I’ve succeeded, as I get lots of reader feedback similar to this: “I am an avid reader and I know a well written book when I see one. When it comes to the paranormal you obviously know your stuff. It comes across in your writing. You have a knack of being able to present your material in such a way that a lay person can readily understand it. I was very impressed with your writing.”

Can you share a bit about the 20 ways you present in the book to enhance psychic abilities? What inspired these specific methods, and how did you go about selecting and organizing them?

As I’ve provided psychic readings to my worldwide clientele over the years the same themes have repeatedly emerged: a need for practical solutions to problems, and a need for spiritual techniques that work. The Other Side taught me these techniques directly, so I know that they work in real-world situations. A lot of times I’ve been asked, why 20 ways? Why not 40, or 50, or 100? In selecting the techniques for my book I chose methods that addressed most people’s common concerns about issues they face in their lives, or tools they most wish they could develop, such as dream interpretation. And 20 is a lot of techniques, but manageable. Ultimately I picked those methods that were most popular, such as how to perform psychometry; dream interpretation; candle magic; how to attract the perfect mate; and much more.

Psychic phenomena can be met with skepticism. How do you address skepticism in your book, and what evidence or experiences do you provide to support the practices you recommend?

Where appropriate I use examples from my own life and the experiences of others that validate the experiences a reader can expect to have. But overall I don’t directly address skepticism in my book; the assumption is that anyone who purchases the volume will already have an interest in and more than likely hold some belief in the paranormal. For those interested in clinical documentation there is already a body of evidence out there for those seeking proof of psychic gifts and supernatural phenomena, such as the research done by Stanford Research Institute, the Rhine Research Center, etc.

In a world where science and spirituality can sometimes be seen as conflicting, how do you navigate the balance between the metaphysical aspects of psychic abilities and a more scientific or evidence-based approach in your writing?

I didn’t really attempt to integrate science or evidence-based rhetoric into my book. I wanted a more practical “how-to” approach that didn’t weigh the reader down with too many technical alternatives to have to consider. I felt that if I attempted to include some of the available science it would have been difficult to have woven those statistics into each presentation in an entertaining way so that it wouldn’t have stopped the flow of the narrative, and that it might possibly have been an uninteresting distraction to my readers.

Psychic development often involves introspection and self-awareness. How do you guide readers through the process of self-discovery in relation to their psychic potential?

By studying and applying the exercises in my book the reader will of necessity have to become more self-aware and more introspective. Those qualities of awareness will grow as the reader progresses through the book and works to continually apply the knowledge they’ve learned. Each technique is in and of itself an exercise in both turning inward and outward: knowing yourself while at the same time opening oneself up to universal knowledge. My readers have told me that they feel like they have developed growth in their personal self-knowledge by using the techniques and training in my book. Many have been led to examine and eradicate fears they had held about spiritual matters.

What impact do you hope "20 Ways to Increase Your Psychic Abilities" will have on readers? Are there specific transformations or realizations you anticipate your audience experiencing?

My main purpose in writing my book was to provide my readers with simple, useable tools and techniques that they could successfully utilize to change their lives for the better, achieving spiritual growth, an increased awareness, a more highly developed intuition, and the ability to literally influence their environment to make changes for the better: healing; attracting the right romantic partner; receiving helpful guidance from sources from outside their normal avenues of perception. One of my favorite bits of reader feedback is from one reader who used a particular technique in the book to win a significant sum of money. I anticipate that my readers’ lives will change for the better in many ways if they consistently apply the methods in my book.

Did personal experiences or encounters with individuals possessing psychic abilities influence your decision to write this book? If so, could you share a memorable experience that inspired your exploration of this topic?

My lifelong experiences with the paranormal and the development of my own psychic gifts and abilities were the wellspring for this book. I always wanted to know why these events occurred; who or what was trying to communicate with me, and what was their message? Were there ways that we could enhance our abilities and find more reliable ways of communicating with this unseen realm? One of my most memorable experiences was when I witnessed a large, glowing pentagram fall slowly from the sky into a vacant lot beside a friend’s home. I wrote about that incredible experience in my first book, Riding with Ghosts, Angels, and the Spirits of the Dead.

Psychic abilities are often associated with intuition and heightened perception. How does your book explore the intersection between intuition and the development of psychic skills?

My book addresses intuitive development as a byproduct of utilizing the techniques in my book. The more a person exercises a particular method the more they will become in touch with their intuitive growth. It becomes a circle of growth and self-awareness that constantly evolves.

Were there any challenges in presenting these methods in a clear and actionable manner for readers?

Not really. I’ve spent my life dedicated to efforts to strip away the superfluous from the learning and practice of spiritual tools and techniques, and I was happy to be able to present these methods to readers in an accessible manner. At this stage of my life it was pretty much second nature to be able to write in a clear and actionable manner for my readers.

In the realm of psychic phenomena, there are various schools of thought and practices. How did you navigate the diversity within this field to create a cohesive and accessible guide for readers?

By writing about what works. I’ve devoted my life to wending my way through the maze of the various schools of thought and practices, the many religious and spiritual disciplines, the dogma, the traditions, etc. My goal was to always find out what worked, and what didn’t, what was practical, and what wasn’t, and to exercise those disciplines first and foremost in my own life, and then to pass on what I learned to my clients, friends, family, and readers. For me it’s been a lifelong study of these many schools of thought to determine what’s viable, and what’s conjecture and speculation. I wanted to present techniques to my readers that work.

As an author focusing on psychic abilities, do you see a growing interest in this area, and how do you think your book contributes to the evolving conversation surrounding metaphysical exploration?

I do see a growing interest in this area, and my book contributes by making down-to-earth, realistic, approachable techniques available to my readership and slicing away the gobbledygook that obfuscates an approach to spiritual growth and learning. My reader feedback indicates to me that I have succeeded, and that makes me immensely happy and grateful. And more books are on the way; stay tuned!

To learn more about John and his work, please visit the following links:

My author's website: 

Book's website: 

20 Ways to Increase Your Psychic Abilities is available at:


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